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Hotel guard's close encounter with one of the Jakarta bombers

Sydney Morning Herald - July 20, 2009

A regular breakfast meeting was the perfect terrorist target, writes Lindsay Murdoch in Jakarta.

The terrorist knew exactly where to go. Seventeen of Indonesia's top executives had just been served breakfast in a private lounge off the main lobby of the JW Marriott Hotel in Jakarta.

Noke Kiroyan remembers the time – 7.45am – he was opening a text message from his wife, after finishing his eggs and yoghurt.

"It was a long message and as I was reading it there was a loud bang and then a red flash in my eyes," said Mr Kiroyan, a former president of the Indonesia-Australia Business Council.

A few minutes earlier Didik Taufik, one of the hotel's security guards, thought it odd that a man wearing a backpack on his chest and dragging a suitcase was walking towards the breakfast gathering, a Friday morning ritual for the heads of many of Indonesia's biggest foreign companies.

"Good morning, what can I do for you?" Mr Taufik asked the man, who said he wanted to meet his boss. "Who is your boss and where is he?" Mr Taufik asked.

The man avoided the question. "I want to deliver what my boss ordered," the man said, insisting on dragging what we now know to be a suitcase packed with high explosives, nails and metal screws towards the meeting.

Mr Taufik did not want to delay one of the hotel's high-powered breakfast guests receiving his delivery. The man appeared calm, not like someone about to kill himself and as many people as he could get near.

Security footage shows he was wearing a baseball cap pulled slightly over his oval face. He was 172 centimetres tall. His skin was brown and he spoke with an Indonesian accent.

Mr Taufik indicated to Dadang, another security guard, that he should accompany the man to the breakfast, which is in accordance with hotel rules.

A Dutch businessman, Roy Widosuwito, the president of Perfetti Van Melle, which makes sweets, did not notice the terrorist walk into the room.

By luck, he was sitting at a table furthest from the entrance, next to American James Castle, a long-time Jakarta political lobbyist and business consultant, whose company CastleAsia hosts the breakfasts.

Mr Widosuwito said he was sipping coffee after finishing his omelette when he glanced towards the entrance and saw a fireball. "I covered my face and thought, 'oh my god, I am going to die'," he told the Straits Times in Singapore.

"I recognised this was a bomb because I've lived here for quite some time, so you know about these things," he said. "Immediately the whole room was full of dust and smoke... a few seconds later, I opened my eyes and I couldn't see anything. But I could move my hands and I thought, 'hey, I'm not dead'."

Mr Kiroyan said he must have been knocked unconscious because he was on the floor in total darkness. Water was falling on his face – the blast had activated the hotel's fire sprinklers.

Fear flashed through his mind that he would never see again. "I'm blind, I'm blind," he called out in English. He heard someone screaming the same thing.

Somewhere in the blackness, he heard someone groaning "Allah akbar", which means "God is the greatest". He thinks it was one of his Indonesian colleagues, who also thought he was going to die.

Mr Kiroyan eventually saw a light in the distance. "There was debris everywhere... I stepped over things and made it to the entrance," he said.

Somehow, Adrianto Machribie, a former head of the mining company Freeport, also made it out of the room, despite severe injuries. Mr Kiroyan saw a rescuer cradling his head.

"The hotel staff were great... one of them grabbed me by the arm and led me outside to the pavement," said Mr Kiroyan, who counts himself lucky because he suffered only a burst ear drum and a black eye.

At least four of the nine people killed in the twin blasts that hit Jakarta on Friday were attending Mr Castle's breakfast – Australian trade official Craig Senger, Australian businessmen Nathan Verity and Garth McEvoy, and a New Zealand businessman, Tim McKay.

The dead also included Indonesians such as Evert, the hotel waiter who, Mr Kiroyan said, never had to be reminded what he liked for breakfast.

Friends say Mr Castle, a former president of the American Chamber of Commerce, who suffered minor injuries, is devastated by what happened.

It was the second time he had come close to death at the JW Marriott in Jakarta. In August 2003 he was having lunch at one of the hotel's restaurants when a car bomb exploded outside. He suffered minor injuries that time too.

Mr Kiroyan suspects the organisation behind previous terrorist attacks in Indonesia were responsible this time too. He hopes the terrorists have not succeeded in closing the Friday breakfasts, a forum where Mr Castle would raise a question, kicking off discussions on economic and political issues.

"We cannot allow these people to bring everything to a grinding halt," Mr Kiroyan said. "Perhaps in future, though, they need to be held in a place where intruders cannot enter."

Mr Widosuwito, who suffered ear injuries and had to have a metal screw removed from his thigh, says he feels lucky to be alive – but he is also angry at what has happened to Indonesia.

He says economically the country is doing well after the holding of peaceful and democratic elections. "But there are elements who want to disrupt the stability. This makes me angry," he said.
