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FBR demands land rights to mall

Jakarta Post - August 6, 2008

Jakarta – Hundreds of Betawi Brotherhood Forum (FBR) members rallied in front of the Senayan City shopping mall Tuesday to demand the restoration of rights to the land on which the mall stands.

According to the protesters, approximately 62,000 square meters of land occupied by Senayan City rightfully belongs to the beneficiaries of the native Betawi, or Jakarta-born, Marzuki family.

In a meeting with representatives of the Marzuki family, members of Senayan City's management said the protesters should file their complaints with the Gelora Bung Karno Foundation, which is responsible for administering the land owned by the state secretariat.

"We are only renting the land for 35 years, starting in 2006. The land, which is owned by the state, is administered by the Gelora Bung Karno management," Senayan City CEO Handaka Santosa told The Jakarta Post.

Gelora Bung Karno director Husein Adiwisastra confirmed the land had been legally rented to the Senayan City management.

The Marzuki family's claim to the land has already been discussed by the Gelora Bung Karno board, Senayan City management and the family, but failed to reach a settlement, he added. "If FBR insists, we should go to court," Husein said.
