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Protest actions to 'embellish' Jakarta again today

Detik.com - February 18, 2008

Indra Subagja, Jakarta – Protest actions will be taking place again today in Jakarta, Monday February 18. As usual, government institutions will be the targets. Drivers should be careful therefore when passing through areas where demonstrations are being held.

The first action will start at 10am with around 200 people protesting in front of the State Palace on Jl. Medan Merdeka Utara in Central Jakarta over the issue of corruption.

Also at the State Palace, some 200 people will be holding an action at around 12noon in relation to the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Support Scheme (BLBI) corruption scandal.

Likewise at the Attorney General's Office, at around 12.30pm a group of demonstrators will be protesting over issues related to corruption.

Perhaps the most interesting action to observe will be a protest at the Jakarta city hall on Jl. Medan Meredeka Selatan. Large numbers of protesters from the Indonesian Assistant Teachers Communication Forum (FKGBI) will be holding a demonstration at 1pm.

So if you are likely to pass by a location where a protest action is taking place, you should be on guard against the possibility of traffic jams. (ndr/nrl)

[Translated by James Balowski.]
