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Golkar prepares 10,000 for self-defence

Jawa Pos - March 29, 1999 (BBC summary)

Surabaya – The supporters of other political parties have continued to vandalise the Golkar party's flags, banners, stickers, and signs. Most of the Golkar signs mounted in the streets were pulled apart by crowds, many wearing the colours of Megawati's Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI-Struggle), when mass meetings of that party were being held.

Golkar flags and banners have been ripped down, dumped in the streets and gutters, and even burned. Similar incidents have occurred in almost every district of East Java. "Although our party has suffered, we have asked our cadres and supporters not to take revenge by doing the same thing. We must control ourselves and not be baited by anarchic acts," said Soetomo, the East Java Golkar Party chairman, yesterday [28th March]...

However, if the target of this vandalism were Golkar offices, naturally the cadres would not simply stand by. Golkar has already prepared 10,000 special troops to act as the party's strike force and protect it from external threats.

Soetomo has also asked Golkar officials to stick to the rule of law and report the continuing acts of vandalism to the security forces. Several Golkar sub-district branches have already resorted to legal measures, including Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Ponorogo, and Jember.
