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IPMSDL statement on the Permanent Peoples Tribunal on West Papua

IPMSDL Statement - July 2, 2024

The Indigenous Peoples Movement for Self Determination and Liberation, as one of the movements endorsing the Permanent Peoples Tribunal Session on Environmental Destruction and State Repression in West Papua on June 27 to 29, welcomes the success of the recently concluded Tribunal.

The Tribunal brought the needed global attention to raise the fight of Indigenous Peoples holding the Indonesian State and the imperialist powers enabling the occupation of West Papuan lands, the violation of their right to self-determination, the plunder of their natural resources and the crimes against the people and the planet.

We commend the brave witnesses, panel of experts, and the organizations that have contributed to the successful holding of this Tribunal.

As stated by the Tribunal, "The Indonesian state has forcibly taken Indigenous Papuan lands through racial discrimination, leading to cultural loss and violent repression, including unlawful detention, extrajudicial killings, displacement, and environmental degradation."

We are pleased to know the findings and verdict of the Tribunal. Likewise, we are looking forward to seeing the Permanent People's Tribunal's comprehensive report on their findings, and help in amplifying the self-determination struggle of West Papuans.

The successful holding of this Tribunal is a milestone for human rights and self-determination movements around the world. Just recently we had another victory when the International People's Tribunal found the US government, and the Marcos and Duterte regimes guilty of war crimes against the Filipino people. We look forward, and we are sure that greater victories are ahead.

We reiterate our call in solidarity with our Papuan brothers and sisters:

Free West Papua! End the Occupation!Papua! Merdeka!

Read the indictment here: https://ccccjustice.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Indictment.pdf

Beverly Longid,
Indigenous Peoples Movement for Self-Determination & Liberation

Source: https://www.ipmsdl.org/staement/ipmsdl-statement-on-the-permanent-peoples-tribunal-on-west-papua
