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Visit by Benny Wenda, United Liberation Movement of West Papua

Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC) Statement - February 20, 2023

The Pacific Conference of Churches has concluded a series of meetings with Benny Wenda and other representatives of the united liberation movement of West Papua during his visit to Fiji.

We reiterated our support for the ULMWP in its continued bid for the self-determination of the West Papuan people and their desire for an end to the human rights abuse at the hands of Indonesian security forces.

The PCC continues to support the ULMWP's bid for membership of the Melanesian Spearhead Group along the lines that the Kanak Socialist National Liberation front (FLNKS) in Kanaky – New Caledonia was admitted to the regional bloc.

The PCC renews its position that the ULMWP must be consulted by governments, the United Nations and the European Union on West Papua issues as a recognised representative of the Papuan people.

With the endorsement of pacific church leaders, the PCC calls for a boycott on the purchase of all Indonesian products sold in the pacific and engagement in activities and programmes organised or supported by the Indonesian government, as a means to draw attention to the plight of the Papuan people.

The ULMWP delegation was hosted to a lunch by the PCC for a moment of prayer and fellowship during their schedule of meeting other Fijian dignitaries in Suva.

Reverend James Bhagwan General Secretary
February 20, 2023

Source: https://www.pacificconferenceofchurches.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/PCC-Statement-Benny-Wenda-ULMWP.pd
