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Protesting VAT hike, student alliance occupies North Sumatra parliament

CNN Indonesia - December 30, 2024

Medan – Dozens of students from the North Sumatra Student Alliance held a demonstration at the North Sumatra (Sumut) Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) building on Monday December 30. They were protesting the increase in value added tax (VAT) to 12 percent that will come into force on January 1, 2025.

Initially, the protesters gave speeches in front of the DPRD building while unfurling a banner rejecting the VAT hike. The banner read "Taxes are Increased, Corruptors are Forgiven and Government Officials are Given Luxuries".

Following this, the demonstrators forced their way into the DPRD building by breaking through the front gate. They then occupied the DPRD plenary meeting room, which appeared to be empty, although police could seen on guard at the location.

"Today we have sealed the Sumut DPRD. We ask the government to conduct a review, through a transparent process and involving various stakeholders to ensure a fair tax policy that does not burden the ordinary people", said action coordinator Khairul Fahmi.

The protesters then began giving speeches again rejecting the VAT increase. North Sumatra DPRD Deputy Speaker Salman Al Farisi attempted to meet with the students but they rejected him. They asked for all the political party factions to be present to discuss the VAT increase.

"There is also no faction that has presented all the faction members. We want all faction members to meet us. They are representatives of the people, they should not ignore the suffering of the people", said Fahmi.

Fahmi used the occasion say that the presence of the demonstrators was to urge the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Prabowo Subianto, to immediately cancel the 12 percent VAT policy.

"Therefore, we are asking the president to cancel the 12 percent VAT policy. This is to protect the interests of the lower classes and support national economic recovery", said Fahmi.

The demonstrators also emphasised the importance of a government regulation in lieu of law or Perppu to cancel the implementation of the 12 percent VAT.

"We also ask the government to focus on increasing state revenue through more progressive measures such as optimizing taxes and sectors that have not been properly developed, not instead of burdening the lower social classes", he said.

Meanwhile the DPRD Council Secretary Zulkifli said that the students rejected the presence of Salman Al Farisi and two other members of the DPRD's Commission A because they wanted all the factions to attend the discussions with them.

"We can convey that the DPRD leadership, the collective collegial one represents all the DPRD members. The roster for those who receive aspirations is determined by Commission A. We have presented ourselves, but our younger siblings have not accepted this", he explained.

After giving speeches for about three hours in the DPRD plenary meeting room, the demonstrators dispersed in an orderly manner at around 5.30. (fnr/isn)

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "Puluhan Mahasiswa Duduki Gedung DPRD Sumut, Tolak Kenaikan PPN 12%".]

Source: https://www.cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20241230211011-20-1182433/puluhan-mahasiswa-duduki-gedung-dprd-sumut-tolak-kenaikan-ppn-1
