Nandito Putra, Jakarta – Commissioner of Komnas HAM Anis Hidayah stated that the investigation process of the murder case of activist Munir Said Thalib was hindered because witnesses to be examined frequently absent. The investigation of the Munir case is conducted by an ad hoc team formed by Komnas HAM. This team has been established since 2022.
"In summoning witnesses, we also face challenges, for example, in a week we target a certain number of people to be called, it turns out that only half of them can come," said Anis to Tempo when met at his office on Tuesday, December 10, 2024.
In addition to the case of Munir's murder, Anis said that Komnas HAM is also currently conducting a pro justitia investigation into the massacre of Aceh residents in the sawmill plantation area of PT Bumi Flora in Julok, East Aceh Regency, in 2001, and the events of the July Twenty Seven Riots or Kudatuli in Jakarta in 1996.
Anis mentioned that the investigation process of the other two cases also faces similar challenges. "So witnesses who often do not respond to summons affect the resolution process," he said.
The pro justitia investigation carried out by Komnas HAM aims to determine the cases of Munir's murder and the other two cases as gross human rights violations. Referring to Article 46 of Law Number 26 of 2000 concerning Human Rights Courts, cases of gross human rights violations do not have a statute of limitations.
When asked about the target for completing the investigation of these three cases, Anis could not provide certainty. "If there are developments, we will immediately inform the public," he said. He refused to disclose the names of those who have been or will be requested to testify.
Moreover, Anis requested the public to continue monitoring the investigation process of these three cases of human rights violations. According to him, public scrutiny will encourage Komnas HAM to complete the investigation.
"Because public attention is an important part of our process, so those pressures surely have a contribution," he said.
He pointed out that the resolution of cases of gross human rights violations is not only about law enforcement. He stated that the factor of political will is crucial. "Because in cases of gross human rights violations, the actors are the state," he said.
In addition to paying attention to the investigation by the ad hoc team, Anis also asked the public to monitor the resolution process of cases of gross human rights violations when they are handed over to the Attorney General's Office. Because, he said, basedon the experience in investigating the Munir case, the investigation results stall in that institution.
"What has been happening so far is that the investigation results are like ping-pong, tossing back and forth without any certainty of when they will be thoroughly investigated," he said.