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Final debate of Aceh regional election ends in chaos

Tempo - November 20, 2024

Nandito Putra, Jakarta – The third debate of the Aceh Regional Election was forced to stop because supporters of the regional head candidates were involved in a brawl. These supporters were reported to push and argue with each other on the debate stage. The election debate took place at The Pade Hotel in Aceh Besar on Tuesday night, November 19, 2024.

In this final debate, the Aceh Election Commission (KIP) carried two themes, namely 'Realizing a Progressive Aceh' and 'Caring for and Maintaining Peace in Aceh'. The 2024 Aceh Regional Election was participated by two candidate pairs, namely Bustami Hamzah-Muhammad Fadhlil Rahmi and Muzakir Manaf-Fadlullah Dekdaf.

The chaos was triggered when some supporters of the candidate pair Muzakir Manaf-Fadhlullah Dekfad climbed onto the stage. Supporters of the number 2 pair protested after seeing a microphone attached to the shirt collar of governor candidate number 1, Bustami Hamzah.

The protest occurred when the number 1 pair, Bustami Hamzah-Muhammad Fadhil Rahmi, presented their vision and mission. In response to this, a number of Bustami's supporters also climbed on the debate stage. Pushing and arguing ensued.

As a result of the incident, security personnel immediately took each candidate to the back of the stage. Chairman of the Aceh Independent Election Commission (KIP), Agusni AH, announced that the debate could not be resumed. Agusni stated that the broadcast time allocated for the debate had ended.

"Due to the duration exceeding the time limit, the TV broadcaster cannot continue the third debate. Again, it is due to the time limit that has been completed," said Agusni as quoted by Antara, on Tuesday, November 19, 2024.

The Bustami-Fadhil pair is supported by 9 national parties and local parties affiliated with the New Hope Coalition. These nine parties are NasDem Party, Golkar, PAN, Justice Prosperous Party (PAS), PDA, Gelora, PKN, Gabthat Party, and Labor Party.

Meanwhile, the Muzakir-Dekfad pair is supported by a coalition consisting of Aceh Party, Gerindra, Democratic Party, Nation Awakening Party, PKS, PSI, Ummat Party, Nanggroe Aceh Party, PDIP, and Garuda Party. (Antara)

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1943276/final-debate-of-aceh-regional-election-ends-in-chao
