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Jokowi's trial against Indonesian cleric Rizieq Shihab postponed, Palace: 'We're following the process'

Tempo - October 9, 2024

Daniel A. Fajri, Jakarta – Minister of State Secretary Pratikno emphasized that the Palace had sent representatives to attend President Joko Widodo or Jokowi's first trial in the lawsuit filed by Indonesian cleric Rizieq Shihab on Tuesday, October 8, 2024. He did not want to comment much on the postponement of the trial.

"Two of our people were present at the trial. So we just followed the trial process, and it was postponed," said Pratikno on Tuesday, October 8, 2024.

The Central Jakarta District Court began the first trial of Rizieq's lawsuit against President Jokowi yesterday, scheduling an examination of the legal standing or power of attorney from the parties involved.

Presiding Judge Suparman Nyompa led the trial along with member judges Riyanto Adam Pontoh and Eko Aryanto. However, the trial was postponed because the Panel of Judges asked the defendant to complete his legal standing.

The plaintiff, represented by the Anti-Lies Community Advocacy Team (TAMAK), protested that President Jokowi was represented by a legal team from the Ministry of State Secretariat despite the lawsuit being filed against the president as an individual.

"We need to convey that our lawsuit is a personal one," said TAMAK member Heri Heriyanto, addressing the judges.

Heri protested that the power of attorney to represent Jokowi at the trial was delegated by the Ministry of State Secretariat, instead of Jokowi.

In response, the defendant said Rizieq Shihab's lawsuit was received by the Ministry of Secretariat, which necessitated a follow up action. "The lawsuit was indeed addressed to Jokowi as an individual, but it arrived at our office," the defendant's representative said.

The representative, however, said the plaintiff's objection would be conveyed to President Jokowi. Thus, Jokowi must personally appoint representatives to attend the trial.

The defendant's representative also asked the trial to be postponed for two weeks, which was granted by the Presiding Judge. The next trial will commence on Tuesday, October 22, 2024.

Rizieq and six others, namely Major General of TNI (ret.) Soenarko, Eko Santjojo, Edy Mulyadi, M Mursalim R, Marwan Batubara, and Munarman, filed a civil lawsuit against Jokowi. They accused Jokowi of conducting an unlawful act by conveying a series of lies during the 2021-2024 period.

The plaintiff demanded that Jokowi pay compensation of Rp5,246.75 trillion. This lawsuit, registered at the Central Jakarta District Court, was filed on September 30, 2024, with case number 661/Pdt.G/2024/PN.Jkt.Pst.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1926265/jokowis-trial-against-indonesian-cleric-rizieq-shihab-postponed-palace-were-following-the-proces
