Muhammad Aulia, Jakarta – The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has seized a luxurious house allegedly linked to a money laundering case involving former Agriculture Minister, Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL).
"Yesterday (Wednesday, May 15), the investigation team completed the seizure of assets allegedly belonging to SYL, in the form of a house located in the Pandang Subdistrict, Panakkukang District, Makassar City," said KPK spokesperson, Ali Fikri, on Thursday.
The KPK suspects that the money used to purchase the house originated from the former Director of Agricultural Equipment and Machinery at the Ministry of Agriculture, Muhammad Hatta (MH), who was also a trusted associate of SYL.
"The estimated value of the house is around Rp 4.5 billion ($282,000)," said Ali Fikri.
Ali Fikri ensured that the KPK's Directorate of Asset Tracing, Evidence Management, and Execution will further trace SYL's assets.
"It is hoped that this seizure can become part of the asset recovery in the court's decision later," he added.
Syahrul is implicated in allegations of extortion, gratification, and money laundering. His extortion and gratification cases are already in the trial phase, while the money laundering case is still under investigation by the KPK.
KPK prosecutors accused Syahrul of extorting his subordinates and receiving gratuities totaling Rp 44.5 billion during his tenure as Agriculture Minister.
These tens of billions of rupiah were used for SYL's personal and family interests. Some of the expenses included gifts, National Democrat (Nasdem) Party contributions, perfumes for his wife, car installments for his son, his grandson's circumcision ritual, chartered flights, overseas travel, Umrah pilgrimage, payments to online media, an expensive painting, and sacrificial cows (qurban).