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Draft broadcasting law to ban subscription broadcasts from carrying LGBT content

Kompas.com - May 14, 2024

Aryo Putranto Saptohutomo, Jakarta – The Draft Broadcasting Bill (RUU Penyiaran) will prohibit Subscription-Based Broadcasting Institutions (LPB) from distributing content that endangers the interests of the state as well as content that presents lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) behaviour.

These stipulations are included under Article 28A of the draft law, which states there are four prohibition that apply to LPBs, namely:

a. distributing broadcast content that endangers the interests of the nation and state and threatens national defense and security;

b. posting and/or distributing broadcast content that is contrary to moral values;

c. broadcasting and/or distributing broadcast content where there are indications it contains elements of pornography, sadism, as well as ethnic, religions, racial and inter-groups conflicts;

d. airing broadcast content that presents lesbian, homosexual, bisexual and transgender behavior.

"Violations of the provisions as referred to in Paragraph (1) are subject to administrative sanctions by the KPI (Indonesian Broadcasting Commission)," reads Article 28A paragraph (2) of the bill as seen on Tuesday May 14.

The sanctions are in the form of a written warning, a fine whose amount is determined by KPI regulations, temporary suspension of problematic broadcast content and/or termination of problematic broadcast content.

In addition, under Article 28A Paragraph (3), it is states that LPB in providing broadcasts are required to furnish subscribers with the means to make it possible for subscribers to close unwanted channels.

Meanwhile, Article 28B paragraph (1) states that the content of LPB broadcasts are prohibited from being distributed commercially by customers and other parties.

"Violations of the provisions as referred to in Paragraph (1) are subject to sanctions in accordance with the provisions of statutory regulations", reads Article 28B Paragraph (2) of the bill.

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "RUU Penyiaran Larang Siaran Berlangganan Memuat Materi LGBT".]

Source: https://nasional.kompas.com/read/2024/05/14/15072731/ruu-penyiaran-larang-siaran-berlangganan-memuat-materi-lgb
