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Infant's head left in womb during delivery, investigation underway

Jakarta Globe - March 13, 2024

Didik Setia Budi, Bangkalan – A distressing incident unfolded in Panpajung Village, Modung District, Bangkalan Regency, East Java. On March 4, Mukarromah, 25, experienced a horrifying delivery where the infant's head was severed and left inside her womb.

Mukarromah initially sought a referral for a cesarean section at Bangkalan Hospital from the village midwife. However, the midwife advised her to undergo the delivery at the Kedungdung Community Health Center instead.

"I wanted a referral letter, but the midwife told me to go to the health center. I wanted a cesarean section because my baby was in a breech position. When I pushed, the baby's body was pulled, and its head got severed," shared Mukarromah on Tuesday.

Following the traumatic delivery, Mukarromah returned to the Glamour Husada Bangkalan Mother and Child Hospital to extract the remaining portion of the infant's head still lodged in her womb.

Responding to the viral nature of the case, the Bangkalan Health Department asserted that the actions of the Kedungdung Health Center midwife were in accordance with standard operating procedures (SOP).

"Here's the situation. The baby inside the womb was already deceased, undergoing a process of decomposition. So, when it was removed, a part of the head was left in the womb," clarified Nur Hotibah, the Head of the Bangkalan Health Department on Tuesday.

The family has reported the case to the Bangkalan Police, seeking justice for the tragic incident.

Source: https://jakartaglobe.id/news/infants-head-left-in-womb-during-delivery-investigation-underwa
