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Java stingaree extinction, experts pushes for public awareness

Tempo - January 5, 2024

Ninis Chairunnisa, Jakarta – Java stingaree, one of Indonesia's endemic animals was declared extinct in December. This marks the first marine fish confirmed to have gone extinct due to human actions.

Fisheries and marine expert from Airlangga University or Unair Amin Alamsjah said the fish has been included in the IUCN red list for quite some time. The extinction, he said, was gradual.

Amin explained that there are several factors attributed to the extinction of Java stingaree. Those include overfishing in a number of locations and the use of destructive methods of fish-catching using bombs or chemical materials.

"It's also caused by the presence of invasive species, and not to forget about its habitat degradation," Amin said on Unair's website on Friday, January 5, 2024.

Habitat degradation could be caused by coastal development, such as the development of docks and fishponds, which reduced green belts as one of the media for fish or shrimp reproduction.

The degradation also occurred because of human actions and sand exploitation, illegal marine trade, and climate change.

Responding to the Java stingaree extinction, Amin highlights the importance of education to avoid another extinction of marine species. According to him, the Ministry of Marine and Fisheries must create a detailed and interned list of marine species, and conduct socialization to relevant stakeholders, especially fishermen.

"A strong push from the government is needed for marine resources. Regulations exist but public awareness about marine resources must be strengthened. Not only concerning fish-catching but also the management of marine and fisheries products," Amin concluded.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1817624/java-stingaree-extinction-experts-pushes-for-public-awarenes
