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KPK conducts sting operation in East Kalimantan, confiscates funds

Tempo - November 24, 2023

Bagus Pribadi, Jakarta – The Enforcement Team of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) conducted a sting operation in East Kalimantan. The commission confiscated hundreds of millions of rupiah from the National Center for Implementation of National Roads (BBPJN) East Kalimantan and several private entities.

"The case was based on a report, investigation, and the sting operation over money hand-over from several private parties. We confiscated hundreds of millions of rupiah," said the Vice Chairman of KPK Nurul Ghufron on Friday, Nov. 24.

According to Ghufron, KPK apprehended 11 people consisting of 7 donors and 4 receivers of the funds. For now, he said, the commission is examining their status. "It's not certain that all of them are suspects. Some may be witnesses," he said. "Whether the [money] was the only instance of a hand-over, it's still being investigated."

Earlier, KPK spokesperson Ali Fikri confirmed the sting operation. "Thursday, Nov. 23, at around 07:45 p.m. WIB (Western Indonesia Time), KPK conducted a sting operation in East Kalimantan," he said on Friday,

Ali Fikri said that the sting operation was done against several state administrations suspected of corruption, although he did not provide further details. However, based on information that was obtained, this sting operation was conducted in Balikpapan and Paser, involving state administrations and contractors working on the PUPR Ministry's project.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1801012/kpk-conducts-sting-operation-in-east-kalimantan-confiscates-fund
