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Kupang shorten class hours due to hot weather

Tempo - October 23, 2023

Antara, Jakarta – The Kupang City Education Agency in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province decided to shorten class hours of elementary and junior high schools starting October 18 due to the hot weather.

According to a circular released by the agency, the reduction of school learning hours will be implemented until October 31, 2023.

Dumuliahi Djami, the Head of the Kupang City Education and Culture Agency, said that the hot weather disturbed the comfort of students to participate in teaching and learning activities at schools. As a result, face-to-face learning time was lessened by five minutes per class hour.

"The air temperature in Kupang City is currently very high, so the Kupang City Government through the Education and Culture Agency created a policy which is considered necessary and important; reducing the teaching and learning time in class," Djami confirmed.

He said that during hot weather, schools were asked to reduce class hours by 40 minutes every day.

Robert Amaheka, the Head of the Kupang District Health Agency, stressed the importance of eating a balanced diet, drinking enough water, and getting enough rest to maintain the body's endurance during hot weather.

"When the air temperature is hot reaching 33 degrees, drinking lots of water is vital to maintain a healthy body," Robert said.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1787475/kupang-shorten-class-hours-due-to-hot-weathe
