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Forest fire engulfs Palangka Raya, students urged to wear masks at school

Tempo - September 8, 2023

Antara, Jakarta – The forest fire currently engulfing Central Kalimantan worsens the air quality in the area. The Education Office of Palangka Raya City reminded the students in the city to wear masks at school.

Education Office Secretary Aprae Vico Ranan said the measure is taken to prevent health problems among students. "The Education Office has released a circular letter [to urge] educational units to wear masks and reduce activities outdoors. Morning roll calls and exercises are halted until the situation is back to normal to protect the students' health," Vico said on Wednesday, September 7, 2023.

In addition, the office also asks the parents to be vigilant against the effects of forest fires. "Don't let the students suffer from respiratory problems due to the smoke from forest fires. The parents need to be aware of the recent conditions," Vico said.

To monitor the air quality in Palangka Raya, Vico reminds the public to download the ISPUnet application launched by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

"The measures will continue to be reminded [to the public] in hopes of avoiding further consequences [of forest fire]," Vico remarked.

According to the data recorded by the Regional Disaster Management Agency, there were 259 forest fires throughout 2023, eradicating 109,73 hectares of land. The highest number of forest fires was recorded in Jekan Raya Sub-district with 156 occurrences of fire.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1769540/forest-fire-engulfs-palangka-raya-students-urged-to-wear-masks-at-schoo
