Devi Ernis, Jakarta – The Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Minister Nadiem Makarim lamented the reported discrimination experienced by a high school student of SMAN 2 Depok. Nadiem also assured that the central and regional government will make sure that schools will become safe spaces free from discriminatory behavior.
"Education units must be free from discrimination. Schools are supposed to be safe, comfortable, and fun spaces for all students to learn and develop themselves, regardless of their inherent identity," said Nadiem in a press release on Friday, September 7, 2022.
Nadiem explained that local governments, with the support of the central government, must ensure that schools provide a non-discriminatory learning process by upholding human rights, religious values, cultural values, and national pluralism.
The minister confirmed that the government, through its inspectorate general is investigating the case that has taken place at the SMAN 2 Depok high school.
The high school located in Depok City is accused of discriminative actions against Christian students' extracurricular activities, which is better known as Rohkris. The school's extracurricular administrator Mayesti Sitorus explained that the incident began when dozens of Christian students intended to use one of the school classes to carry out routine morning prayers before class.
However, these students were unable to obtain permission to use any of the classes and eventually had to conduct their morning prayers in the school's hallway.