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Suharto era thugs welcome Anies into their ranks, pledge to back presidential bid

Merdeka - October 1, 2022

Winda Nelfira (Liputan6.com) – Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has officially become a member of the social organisation (ormas) Pancasila Youth (PP). Baswedan was installed as a member when he attended the official opening of the PP's National Leadership Board (MPN) Secretariat office at Jalan Teuku Cik Ditiro Number 56A in the elite Menteng suburb of Central Jakarta on Saturday October 1.

"Pak [Mr] Anies wants to become a Pancasila Youth member, not [just an] honorary member", said PP General Chairperson Japto Soerjosoemarno.

While making jokes, Soerjosoemarno told all of the members present that they are obliged to vote for Baswedan if he take part as a candidate in the 2024 presidential elections (pilpres).

"So it's obligatory for all Pancasila Youth, as touched on by the Kapolri [Indonesian police chef] earlier, in the 2024 pilpres, if his name is selected [as a candidate], it's obligatory for use to vote for him", he explained.

Soerjosoemarno's statement was greeted with noisy shouts from all of the PP members present. Furthermore, Soerjosoemarno said that this was a pledge which must be prioritised by all PP members.

"Because this is a promise, PPP members are prioritised regardless weather they're a caleg [legislative candidate], in the pilpres, or pilkada [election of regional heads], God willing", he said.

"Anies for president", shouted the PP members.

Soerjosoemarno also highlighted Baswedan's membership identification number of 00000007. "An coincidentally his number is 00000007, James Bond", said Soerjosoemarno.

The opening of the new secretariat was attended by People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Speaker and PP Deputy Chairperson Bambang Soesatyo, Sports and Youth Minister Zainudin Amali, Agricultural Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo, Indonesian Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo and United Indonesia Party (Perindo) General Chairperson and business tycoon Hary Tanoesoedibjo.

Baswedan, Soesatyo and Amali all wore stripped batik shirts coloured light-brown, dark-brown, orange and black, resembling the PP's military-style uniforms to the opening. (bal)


The Pancasila Youth was established by the army in October 1959 and took an active part in the 1965 anti-communist purges. Under Suharto's New Order it evolved into an association of thugs and petty criminals who did the regime's dirty work. Post 1998 it maintained close ties with the military and police and has been linked to criminal activities such as racketeering and extortion and has been involved in attacks on leftist groups and events that it deems to be "pro-communist" or "anti-Pancasila". In 2019 the group also endorsed the presidential reelection bid by President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo – a long term political rival of Baswedan – when he attended the group's anniversary event in Jakarta, during which he was made an honorary member of the organisation.

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "Anies Baswedan Jadi Anggota Pemuda Pancasila, Ketum PP Wajibkan Kader Pilih di 2024".]

Source: https://www.merdeka.com/politik/anies-baswedan-jadi-anggota-pemuda-pancasila-ketum-pp-wajibkan-kader-pilih-di-2024.htm
