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TNI commander launches full Navy aircraft evaluation following Bonanza crash

Tempo - September 12, 2022

Antara, Jakarta – The Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) Commander General Andika Perkasa has called for a thorough evaluation of its entire aircraft fleet following the crash involving one of the Indonesian Navy's training aircraft, the Bonanza G-36 T-2503 over the Madura Strait.

"The evaluation must be done to minimize possible accidents," said the TNI Commander at the 2022 Naval Expo in Jakarta on September 11, Antaranews reported.

Andika Perkasa made it clear that TNI would also closely work with the National Transportation Accident Committee (KNKT) in conducting any investigations regarding aircraft accidents for the sake of transparency.

"We will be transparent. Since the Air Force (AU) T-50i plane incident, and recently the Bonanza plane, we have involved the KNKT as we want to be transparent," said Andika. Upon waiting for the air crash investigation to be completed, the Indonesian Navy temporarily grounded every Bonanza G-36 fleet.

Previously, on Wednesday morning, September 7, the Indonesian Navy's Bonanza plane crashed in the Surabaya West Shipping Line (APBS), East Java. In this incident, two Navy soldiers perished, namely Marine Captain (Posthumously) Judistira Eka Permady and the Co-pilot First Lieutenant of the Sea (Posthumous) Dendy Kresna Bhakti.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1633200/tni-commander-launches-full-navy-aircraft-evaluation-following-bonanza-cras
