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MAKi: Suspect-naming of corruption case 'whistleblower' a setback

Tempo - February 21, 2022

Moh Khory Alfarizi, Jakarta – The Indonesian Anti-corruption Community (MAKI) coordinator Boyamin Saiman on Monday plans to submit an examination request to the Attorney General's Office (AGO) in relation to a case involving a "whistleblower" who reported a corruption case had been named a suspect.

The person is Nurhayati, a former head of finances for Citemu Village, Cirebon Regency in West Java. Her initial report revealed corruption within the regional body amounting to Rp800 million from 2018-2020.

"I will make the report to AGO for an examination request. This is based on current information that comes from the District Court, so there must be an examination," said Saiman on Sunday, February 20.

Legal examination basically examines a prosecutor's indictment or court decision by a judge, also often identified as legal annotation, namely the provision of legal records against court decisions and prosecutors' indictments.

Through this, he aims to see Nurhayati's status as a suspect dropped along with the charges and have it not processed in court. He argues that the corruption committed by village officials at Citemu could stay unnoticed if it was not thanks to Nurhayati.

The MAKI coordinator believes that the suspect naming of a person who exposed a corruption case is a step back in the country's eradication of corruption and believes it is time for the country to handle such cases with modern solutions, such as making them justice collaborators in revealing the case.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1563041/maki-suspect-naming-of-corruption-case-whistleblower-a-setbac
