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Expert: Announcement of radicalism in the military is a blunder

Tempo - June 20, 2019

Friski Riana, Jakarta – Expert on terrorism and intelligence Harits Abu Ulya questioned the motive behind Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu's statement where he announced 3 percent Military members have been exposed to radicalism.

"The problem and blunder is by issuing such statement – even though based on actual data – its substance is still subject of debate," said Abu in a press release on Thursday, June 20.

Abu said that Ryamizard needs to clarify his statement to the public regarding his understanding and definition of radicalism. He also said that the minister must mention the parameter when someone – especially military soldiers – is considered radical.

"Because this is two crucial points of substance, don't let there be an ambiguous parameter or defects within the paradigm," Abu reminded.

Previously reported, Defense Minister Ryamizard said that radicalism has influenced people in the private industry, civil workers, and those working in state-owned enterprises. The Defense ministry's study also revealed that 9.1 percent of the people disagree with the Pancasila ideology.

"There is roughly three percent and there are soldiers in the military who disagree with the Pancasila. This is devastating," said Ryamizard who fears the absence of Pancasila will drag the nation into a situation the Middle East is currently facing.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1216484/expert-announcement-of-radicalism-in-the-military-is-a-blunder
