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Jusuf Kalla talks of decentralization, its links to corruption

Tempo - December 10, 2018

Friski Riana, Jakarta – Vice President Jusuf Kalla has said the increasingly rife corruption in the country is the direct effect of reformation.

Kalla expained corruption in the past was only rampant in the central government, but now it had spread to regional administrations, the House of Representatives (DPR), and the Legislative.

"That is the direct effect of reformation, the change in our government system," Kalla said in an event that awarded corruption-free work units at Hotel Sultan, Jakarta, today.

Kalla added decentralization and the balance of legislative, executive, and judiciary bodies were what happened post-reform.

According to the vice president, the New Order era had controlled every decision on the country's developments, and that now the authority had been handed to regional governments. "That is why corruption has spread to regions," Kalla said.

Kalla explained the legislative during then president Soeharto's tenure was only tasked to approve decisions, as opposed to the present situation where the legislative would argue with the government prior to giving its approval.

"This gives a certain power to the government and that has become a part of how people provide something to the House of Representatives (DPR)," he said. "People become corrupt because they want to be first in line to be served," said Jusuf Kalla.

Source: http://en.tempo.co/read/news/2018/12/10/055924137/Jusuf-Kalla-Talks-of-Decentralization-Its-Links-to-Corruption
