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Djoko Suyanto prays for FPI after chief calls him a pimp

Jakarta Globe - June 4, 2012

Arientha Primanita – Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Djoko Suyanto said on Monday that he would pray for Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) chief Rizieq Shihab after Rizieq called him a pimp.

"May God the Almighty give him guidance and forgive him," Djoko said at the State Palace on Monday. Djoko said that he was aware of what Rizieq called him. "[I'm] not upset," Djoko said smiling.

The war of words between Rizieq and Djoko started when dozens of FPI members demonstrated in front on Djoko's office regarding the the Lady Gaga concert.

Commenting on the rally, Djoko said "EGP," an Indonesian slang acronym meaning "I don't care". "Why bother commenting on a demonstration? Like I don't have better work to do," he added.

Rizieq immediately said that such statement should not come out from a mouth of a public official. "It sounds the same statement a pimp in a prostitution house who would likely say," Rizieq said.
