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Militia intimidating refugees

Suara Pembaruan - December 6, 1999 (summarised)

Jakarta – The militia have been haunting the East Timorese refugees currently residing in camps in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). Militia are still emotionally charged over not succeeding in their "mission" and have been terrorising and threatening the refugees...

The commission investigating human rights violations in East Timor (KPP-HAM) [expansion unknown] have been in NTT for two weeks trying to gauge the situation and conditions of the East Timorese community who fled to NTT. Their first report, which they gave to the press in Jakarta on Monday [29th November], was entitled "Militia Activity and Human Rights Conditions for Refugees in NTT" .

The current number of refugees in NTT is thought to be around 200,000 people. They are settled in camps in three districts: Kupang, Kefamenanu and Atambua Belu...

In Kupang there are about 40,000 refugees, while in Kefamenanu the remaining refugees number about 30,000 and are scattered around Winni, Nain and Maubesi. The largest number of refugees, around 150,000 people, are situated in Atambua Belu.

In Kupang the refugees are being intimidated by the militia groups Aitarak and Besi Merah Putih. However, other groups such as Jati Merah Putih and Mahidi are also responsible for such operations. In Kefamenanu the militia group is Sakunar, and in Atambua, the Laksuar militia are active.

A number of witnesses, including family members of the victims of violence and terror, say the militia are detaining, threatening and terrorising the refugees. Every militia member guards around 10 to 15 refugees. The militia refugees. Every militia member guards around 10 to 15 refugees. The militia are also threatening any refugees who want to return to East Timor. They also often take refugees' family members hostage to stop them leaving the camps.

Witnesses also say the militia conduct patrols and sweeps in parishes and churches looking for students and community members from the pro-independence side...
