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Indonesia to inaugurate six new dams to boost food and water security in 2025

Jakarta Globe - January 9, 2025

Andi Maulana, Jakarta – The Public Works Ministry is set to inaugurate six new dams across five provinces in early 2025 as part of its efforts to enhance food and water self-sufficiency.

Minister Dody Hanggodo highlighted the importance of water resource infrastructure in achieving these goals, emphasizing that dams play a critical role in irrigating farmland and managing water resources effectively.

"We can see the role of dams, from the dam, primary, secondary, and tertiary irrigation, which directly irrigate the fields," Minister Dody said Wednesday.

The six dams set for inauguration include the Rukoh Dam in Pidie Regency, Aceh, which has a storage capacity of 128 million cubic meters and will irrigate 11,950 hectares of farmland with a rice-paddy intercropping planting pattern and a planting intensity of 300 percent. It is expected to reduce flood risk by 89.62 percent and supply 0.90 cubic meters per second of raw water. The dam was built between 2018 and 2024 with a state budget of Rp 1.7 trillion.

The Keureuto Dam in North Aceh Regency, Aceh, with a storage capacity of 216 million cubic meters, will irrigate 9,455 hectares of farmland, supply 0.5 cubic meters per second of raw water to five sub-districts, generate 6.34 megawatts of electricity, and reduce flooding by up to 30 percent in three sub-districts. This dam was constructed from 2016 to 2024 with a budget of Rp 2.73 trillion.

The Jlantah Dam in Karanganyar Regency, Central Java, has a storage capacity of 10.97 million cubic meters and will provide irrigation for 1,494 hectares of farmland, reduce flooding by 87 hectares, supply 0.1 cubic meters per second of raw water, and generate 0.6 megawatts of electricity. Construction began in 2019 and is expected to be completed in 2024 at a cost of Rp 1.02 trillion.

The Sidan Dam in Bali, with a storage capacity of 5.76 million cubic meters, will supply 1.75 cubic meters per second of raw water and has a micro-hydro power potential of 0.65 megawatts. Built from 2018 to 2024, it required a budget of Rp 1.8 trillion.

The Marangkayu Dam in Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan, has a storage capacity of 12.3 million cubic meters and will irrigate 1,500 hectares of farmland while supplying 0.45 cubic meters per second of raw water. Construction, scheduled for 2023-2024, required a budget of Rp 191.26 billion.

Finally, the Meninting Dam in West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), will store 12 million cubic meters of water, irrigate 1,559 hectares of farmland, supply 0.15 cubic meters per second of raw water, and generate 0.8 megawatts of electricity. Construction began in 2019 and will conclude in 2024 at a cost of Rp 1.4 trillion.

Minister Dody said these dams will provide strategic benefits in enhancing food security and optimizing water resource management. The government remains committed to supporting the agricultural sector as the cornerstone of food security. Minister Dody also pledged to incorporate feedback from farmers to improve irrigation systems, boost crop yields, and achieve the national food self-sufficiency target.

Source: https://jakartaglobe.id/news/indonesia-to-inaugurate-six-new-dams-to-boost-food-and-water-security-in-202
