Eka Yudha Saputra, Jakarta – The Presidential Communications Office Head, Hasan Nasbi, admitted that some regions are still utilizing President Prabowo Subianto's personal funds to support the recently launched free nutritious meal program.
This admission comes despite the official nationwide rollout of the program yesterday across 26 provinces, involving 190 Nutrition Fulfillment Service Units (SPPGs) that will serve as public kitchens.
"In Kendari, they are still relying on remaining trial funds previously provided by Pak Prabowo," confirmed Hasan Nasbi on Monday, January 6. He clarified that once these personal funds are depleted, the program will transition to its allocated Rp71 trillion budget from the State Budget.
Political observer Hendri Satrio reminded the government of the importance of sustained government commitment to the free nutritious meal program. He encouraged proactive engagement with the public, seeking both financial and non-financial support, given Indonesia's position as the world's most generous nation according to the 2024 World Giving Index by the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF).
"If the government requires public assistance for free lunches, they should not hesitate to seek it," said the founder of the KedaiKopi Survey Institute in a written statement on January 7, 2025.
However, this support should be reciprocated with tangible benefits, such as significant improvements in law enforcement and a fairer justice system. He cited recent cases of substantial corruption receiving lenient sentences as an example of the need for greater accountability.
The free nutritious meal program, a flagship program of President Prabowo's administration, began gaining momentum during the 2024 presidential election campaign. The program aims to benefit approximately 19.47 million children, pregnant women, and other vulnerable groups.
Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1960992/palace-admits-some-regions-use-prabowos-funds-for-free-meal-progra