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Deputy Manpower Minister suspects 'hand of Satan' in Sritex bankruptcy

Tempo - December 23, 2024

Vendro Immanuel G, Jakarta – Deputy Minister of Manpower Immanuel Ebenezer expressed suspicion regarding the bankruptcy of PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk or Sritex. "We suspect that in this bankruptcy process, there is the hand of Satan at play," he said at his office on Monday, December 23, 2024.

Noel, as he is commonly known, emphasized that Sritex itself had no intention of filing for bankruptcy and, in fact, was actively seeking to maintain its operations and re-employ its workforce.

"Usually, companies file for bankruptcy to avoid obligations, such as severance pay. However, Sritex did not. Sritex did not want to go bankrupt," Noel added.

Despite his concerns, Noel emphasized his respect for the Supreme Court's decision, acknowledging its legal authority. He assured that the Ministry of Manpower would prioritize the protection of Sritex workers, particularly by minimizing the risk of mass layoffs.

"In our opinion, layoff is a poor step. There must not be layoffs," said Noel.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Manpower will prepare several several measures to support affected workers. These measures include the Job Loss Guarantee (JKP) program, assistance in finding new employment opportunities, and providing access to job training programs through the Job Training Center. "So we can minimize the impact of these layoffs," he added.

As previously reported, the Supreme Court on Wednesday, December 18, 2024, rejected Sritex's cassation request, affirming the Semarang Commercial Court's earlier decision to declare the textile company bankrupt.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1956060/deputy-manpower-minister-suspects-hand-of-satan-in-sritex-bankruptc
