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Protesters call on Papua police to solve Jubi bombing, shooting of advocate

Suara Papua - December 17, 2024

Jayapura – The Journalist Justice and Safety Advocacy Coalition (KAKKJ) in Papua, which consists of journalists, human rights defenders, students, the Cipayung Group and the Front, held a peaceful demonstration in front of the Papua Regional Police (Polda) Headquarters in Jayapura city, Papua, on Tuesday December 17.

The action was held to pressure to the Papua Regional Police to immediately solve the Molotov bomb attack on the Jubi editorial office in Jayapura that occurred on October 16.

In addition to this, the action was aimed at urging the police to arrest the perpetrator of the shooting of Papuan senior advocate Yan Christian Warinussy in Sanggeng, Manokwari, on July 17.

The protesters firmly urged the Papuan Regional Police to uncover and arrest the perpetrators of the two cases.

During the peaceful action that began at 11 am Papuan time, they unfurled banners reading "62 Days Since the Molotov Bombing at the Jubi Editorial Office", "153 Days Since the Shooting of Yan Christian Warinussy" and "We Will Not Be Silent!".

The protesters also brought black umbrellas with the words "Arrest the Molotov Bomber" and pamphlets reading "In the Forest it's Fast but in the City it's Slow", "Journalists are Terrorised No Pretending, the Police Work like Turtles" and "A Kind of Silence Ka? Silence is a Sign of Agreement".

In a speech, KAKKJ field coordinator Elisa Sekenyap questioned the work of the Papua Regional Police in uncovering the Molotov bomb terror case at the Jubi office. According to Sekenyap, the police's investigation is too slow and seemed to be buying time.

"It's been two months already [but the] Molotov bombing has not been solved, what's the news Papua Regional Police? Is this case being allowed to drag on? Is there no evidence, are there are no witnesses? Are the Papua Regional Police deliberately doing this? It's been two months. Cases in the villages are solved quickly, how about the bombing case that occurred in this city?", said Sekenyap.

Sekenyap said that the police should not use the recent election of regional heads (Pilkada) and the Christmas and New Year holidays as an excuse to drag out the investigation into the two cases.

Because according to Sekenyap, based on information that has been conveyed by the police, it shows that there is sufficient evidence to uncover the perpetrators and the motive behind the Molotov bomb attack. Therefore the police should immediately reveal this.

If not, she said, public trust in the police will be further eroded.

"How can the people believe in the police if they work like this. Solve this case immediately. Don't let it drag on. This happened in a big city. Is there no evidence kah. The Papua police chief must solve this case", she said.

Aside from this, Sekenyap also urged the Papua and the West Papua Regional Police to immediately arrest and try the perpetrator of the shooting of Papua senior advocate Yan Christian Warinussy.

"The shooting case of advocate Yan Warinussy was five months ago, but the culprit has not been revealed to this day, what's up with the police? Are they deliberately allowing this case to drag on?", Asked Sekenyap.

She is therefore urging the police immediately solve the Jubi bombing case and the shooting of Warinussy before the Christmas celebrations on December 25.

Ikbal, one of the protesters at the action said that Jubi has repeatedly been terrorised by bombs. This shows the presence of terror, even though the work of the press is protected by law. Therefore he is urging the police to immediately solve the Molotov bomb terror case. "[The press] safeguards democracy in the land of Papua", he said.

Kamus Bayage from the Cenderawasih University Student Executive Council (BEM) said that the police will be seen to be protecting the suspected perpetrators if they did not solve the case. He said he regrets that the police have taken so long to solve the Jubi bombing case.

"The culprit in this case has still not been revealed. The Papua Polda are still protecting terrorists. What's behind this?", asked Bayage.

Another speaker, Engel Wally, criticised the work of the police that is taking so long. According to the Jubi journalist, with the resources they have the police should be able to quickly reveal the perpetrators and motives behind the Molotov terror attack.

Police say investigation ongoing

Despite this, police officers who met with the protesters said that they are still in the process of investigating the case. This was conveyed by Papua Regional Police Violent Crimes Sub-Directorate Criminal Investigation head Police Commander Dony Cancero.

Cancero therefore asked that all parties to be patient and support the police's work. "This case is really progressing, the evidence is our facts. The investigation process is currently ongoing. Of course we'll convey this to our friends. [But] the material investigation, I can't convey it here", said Cancero.

Gustaf Kawer, a member of Jubi's legal team, said that solving the Molotov bomb attack on the Jubi editorial office should be very easy, noting that the police already have CCTV evidence and have requested statements from nine witnesses.

"Solving the case should be very easy. Nine witnesses, I don't refer to the perpetrators as a rogue individual, it is alleged that the two people [who threw the bomb] were from the TNI [Indonesian military]. Other evidence, the CCTV already support this", Kawer told reporters.

According to Kawer, the Papua Regional Police are only stalling for time. He is concerned that the delays will result in the perpetrators not being prosecuted. Kawer is asking that the police to immediately announce the names of the perpetrators.

"If the police's argument is that they're looking for evidence, this is a trick to buy time and there is concern than an SP3 [order to stop investigation will be issued] like in other cases and the perpetrators will not be touched. I ask that they be open, if they're suspected of being from the TNI, responsibility can be transferred to the POM [military police]. As long as it is still being processed here, it's the responsibility of the Papua Regional Police. Just announce it, there's enough evidence already", he concluded.

After listening to the explanation, the protesters disbanded voluntarily at 12:45 pm.

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "Sebelum Natal, Polda Papua Didesak Mengungkap Pelaku Teror Bom Jubi dan Penembakan Advokat Warinussi".]

Source: https://suarapapua.com/2024/12/17/sebelum-natal-polda-papua-didesak-mengungkap-pelaku-teror-bom-jubi-dan-penembakan-advokat-warinussi
