Imam Hamdi, Eka Yudha Saputra, Jakarta – The National Human Rights Commission representative of Papua noted that violence and injustice are still felt by the people of Papua in 2024.
In commemoration of World Human Rights Day, which falls on December 10, the Head of the Papua National Human Rights Commission, Frits Ramandey, stated that the values of freedom, justice, and equality for all citizens have not been fully felt, especially in Papua.
"The implementation of special autonomy and the addition of new autonomous regions has not had a significant impact on citizens, especially the Indigenous Papuans," said Frits in a written statement to Tempo on Tuesday, December 10, 2024.
Frits stated that Papuan citizens' access to health services, education, and other social services is still far from expectations. In the agrarian sector, the presence of investors, including the development of National Strategic Projects (PSN) in several areas of Papua, is feared to continue to cause conflicts with local Indigenous communities.
On the other hand, conflicts and violence continue to repeat, especially in several conflict-prone areas. Throughout 2024, the escalation of violence in Papua continues and tends to increase.
From January 1 to December 9, 2024, the Papua representation of the National Human Rights Commission recorded a total of 85 cases of violence that occurred in various regions in Papua. Of the 85 cases of violence, they are predominated by armed contacts and shootings (single attacks) in 55 cases, 14 cases of assault, 10 cases of destruction and 6 cases of riots, where one incident can result in more than one act of violence.
"Of these cases of violence, Puncak Regency has the highest number of cases, 13 cases," said Frits.
This is followed by Intan Jaya Regency with 11 cases, Yahukimo and Paniai with 10 cases, Puncak Jaya with 9 cases, Pegunungan Bintang with 7 cases, and Nabire with 5 cases. Jaya Wijaya, Dogiyai, Mimika, and Keerom each have 3 cases. Then Nduga and Maybrat each have 2 cases. Lanny Jaya Regency, Mamberamo Tengah, Manokwari, and Jayapura City each have 1 case.
"As a result of various cases of violence, a total of 114 people are recorded as victims, with 71 people dead and 43 injured," said Frits.
The victims consist of 68 civilians, with details of 40 dead and 28 injured. Of the total victims, 26 are security personnel, with details of 15 dead and 11 injured. Meanwhile, 19 members of the West Papua National Liberation Army-Free Papua Movement (TPNPB-OPM) became victims. 15 TPNPB-OPM members died, and four were injured. One foreign national also died.
There are 68 civilian victims, including two deceased children and one injured child, two deceased women and four injured women, as well as 36 adult male civilian deaths and 23 adult male civilian injuries.
At least 19 TPNPB-OPM members are recorded as victims, all of them adult males. They include 15 who died and four who were injured. Meanwhile, 26 security personnel, including members of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) and the National Police (Polri), became victims. 9 TNI soldiers died and seven were injured. Meanwhile, six police officers died and four were injured.
"In addition to various acts of violence, they also resulted in waves of displacement and the destruction of several buildings, vehicles, and aircraft," said Frits.
Frits stated that in fact, every occurrence of violence can be seen as a response to socio-economic events or political policies. On the other hand, tensions or armed conflicts in Papua require spaces for dialogue between the central government, regional governments, as well as the community and the TPNPB-OPM.
According to Frits, the main challenge for the Indonesian government at the moment is how to build the trust of the Papuan people by fostering equality, justice, enforcement of fair and non-discriminatory law, as efforts to build a peaceful ecosystem towards humanitarian dialogue.
"This situation should be a concern for all parties, especially the government, to take strategic steps to end or minimize recurring violent conflicts through an approach based on human rights values and principles," he said.
The Papua National Human Rights Commission also requested the government of President Prabowo Subiyanto to provide security guarantees for all Indonesian and foreign nationals in Papua.
"The government must strive for improvements in security systems and governance that are conducive and not use a security approach," said Frits.
Frits also urged the Commander of the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI) to ensure that the units assigned to Papua have sufficient knowledge of the values and local wisdom, culture, and characteristics of the local area. As for the Chief of the Indonesian National Police, Frits encouraged that law enforcement and security operations in Papua be carried out in a persuasive and humane manner.
"We also urge security forces and armed civilian groups to stop armed violence and strive for law enforcement and humanitarian approaches to resolving issues," said Frits.
The Papua National Human Rights Commission asked security forces and the TPNPB-OPM to respect human rights and humanitarian law by ensuring the safety of civilians. Frits also urged the TPNPB-OPM not to engage in vandalism of public facilities and disrupt public services and security conditions in Papua.
"We also urge the Indonesian Government and the TPNPB-OPM to build a commitment to a humanitarian dialogue process for a peaceful Papua," said Frits.
Prabowo Subianto, when he was the Minister of Defense, stated that he still believed that a gentle approach (soft approach) was still the solution. In the issue of the Papua conflict, the Chairman of the Gerindra Party said that security forces were victims of rebels or separatists in Papua.
In response to questions about the Papua conflict, Prabowo claimed that so far security forces have carried out their duties in accordance with their main tasks and functions.
"So I think the approach must comply with the law. Of course, we want a gentle approach (soft). Now, we want a peaceful political resolution. We propose to them, please close the chapter, lay down your arms, return to society," said Prabowo in an open dialogue at Muhammadiyah University Surabaya, East Java, on Friday, November 24, 2023, which was also broadcasted virtually.