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Human Development Ministry sets focus on free medical check-ups and school renovations

Jakarta Globe - November 6, 2024

Alfida Rizky Febriana, Jakarta – Chief Human Development Minister Pratikno announced the key policy priorities set by President Prabowo Subianto for the ministries under his coordination, focusing on school and hospital renovations, tackling stunting and tuberculosis (TB), and providing free medical check-ups for the entire population.

"These are the targets prioritized to become the main focus of President Prabowo's program," Pratikno said on Tuesday.

Pratikno emphasized that these policies would guide the actions of the relevant ministries. He stressed that the ministers and deputy ministers from the eight ministries under the Human Development and Culture Affairs Coordinating Ministry are expected to collaborate effectively to meet these goals.

The successful implementation of these policies will contribute to improving public welfare, particularly in education, healthcare, and addressing critical issues such as stunting and infectious diseases.

"This is the spirit of synergy that we continue to foster so that the priorities set by the president can be achieved as quickly as possible. We are preparing for the new fiscal year, so we must act swiftly," he concluded.

The eight ministries under the coordination of the Human Development and Culture Affairs Coordinating Ministry, include:

  • Religious Affairs Ministry: Nasaruddin Umar (Minister) and R Muhammad Syafi'i (Deputy)
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Ministry: Abdul Mu'ti (Minister) and deputies Fajar Riza UI Haq and Atip Latipulhayat
  • Higher Education, Science, and Technology Ministry: Satryo Soemantri Brodjonegoro (Minister) and deputies Fauzan and Stella Christie
  • Cultural Ministry: Fadli Zon (Minister) and Giring Ganesha (Deputy)
  • Health Ministry: Budi Gunadi Sadikin (Minister) and Dante Saksono Harbuwono (Deputy)
  • Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Ministry: Arifatul Choiri Fauzi (Minister) and Veronica Tan (Deputy)
  • Citizenship and Family Planning Ministry: Wihaji (Minister) and Ratu Ayu Isyana Bagoes Oka (Deputy)
  • Youth and Sports Ministry: Ario Bimo Nandito (Minister) and Taufik Hidayat (Deputy)

Source: https://jakartaglobe.id/news/human-development-ministry-sets-focus-on-free-medical-checkups-and-school-renovation
