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PDIP opposes proposal to make Soeharto a national hero

Tempo - October 1, 2024

Alfitria Nefi P, Annisa Febiola, Jakarta – Guntur Romli, a politician from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), opposed the idea of awarding former President Suharto the title of national hero. He argued that the Suharto government was involved in a number of crimes against humanity.

Guntur said the Soeharto regime was responsible for cases of violence and mass murder in 1966, 1974 and 1980, such as the secret shooting operation known as Petrus, as well as human rights crimes in several provinces, namely East Timor, Papua and Aceh.

"Soeharto cannot be made a hero because it is not only about [his] heinous crimes, but also his sins of crimes against humanity," he said in a written statement on September 29.

Guntur also mentioned the silencing of figures and democratic movements that tried to oppose the New Order regime, especially the attack on the headquarters of the Indonesian Democratic Party on July 27, 1996.

Guntur also mentioned the events of 1998. At that time, the people overthrew Soeharto's power because of his involvement in the Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism (KKN) case during his Soeharto.

"It is enough for Soeharto to be remembered in history as the second president of the Republic of Indonesia, but he should not be named a national hero," he said.

The proposal to grant the title of national hero to the late President Soeharto was made by Bambang Soesatyo, the Speaker of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), who is also a politician from the Golkar Party, during a meeting between the leadership of the MPR and Soeharto's extended family.

On this occasion, a letter was also submitted in response to the request to remove Soeharto's name from MPR Decree (TAP) no. XI/MPR/1998 on the Implementation of a Clean and Corruption-Free State, Collusion and Nepotism or KKN.

"I don't think it's a stretch for the next government to consider giving former President Soeharto the title of national hero," Bambang said at the Senayan complex in Central Jakarta on Saturday, September 28.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1922840/pdip-opposes-proposal-to-make-soeharto-a-national-her
