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Activists submit report to Palace on TNI involvement in journalist's murder

CNN Indonesia - July 17, 2024

Jakarta – A number of civil society groups have submitted a report to the Presidential Palace in Jakarta on the case of Tribrata TV reporter Rico Sempurna Pasaribu, who died along with three family members when his home in Karo, North Sumatra, was burnt down.

The Committee for the Safety of Journalists (KKJ), the Independent Journalist Alliance (AJI), Amnesty International Indonesia and the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) reported the case to the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) which is located in the President Palace complex in Jakarta.

"We brought this to the KSP because we want the KSP to oversee the investigation process properly, because we feel there are indications, perhaps, that the case could 'catch a cold' if not overseen from Jakarta", said KKJ representative Bayu Wardhana at the Presidential Palace on Wednesday July 17.

Wardhana said the results of the KKJ investigation revealed that Pasaribu's death was linked to a news report he had written. A short time before his house was burnt down, Pasaribu wrote about TNI (Indonesian military) members who were backing online gambling.

Despite this, they suspect that the police have not up until now questioned any TNI members over the allegations. At the same time, TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto and the Bukit Barisan Regional Military Commander (Pangdam) have denied that their members were involved in the fire.

"But the investigation process is still ongoing, that's roughly what we actually feel needs to be overseen", said Wardhana.

In addition to submitting a report with the Palace, the civil society groups also reported the case to the TNI"s Military Police Headquarters (Puspom), the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM), the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) and the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI).

They hope that attention by these national institutions can shed light on the case that led to the death of Pasaribu and three family members.

"Now, we'll see how the process of these institutions is responding to this report. So we'll see how the situation is first", he said.

Pasaribu, his wife, child and grandchild died when his home was set alight by unknown individuals on Thursday June 27. The North Sumatra Regional Police (Polda) have declared B alias Bulang a suspect the case. Bulang is the alleged mastermind behind the arson attack.

"The suspect B told YST to start the fire, as well as giving 130,000 rupiah to the RAS to buy Pertalite gasoline and diesel fuel which was used to burn down the victim's home", said North Sumatra Police Chief Commissioner General Agung Setya Imam Effendi in a written statement on Thursday July 11.

Meanwhile the TNI Headquarters has given assurances that the Army's Military Police Headquarters (Puspomad) will investigate the news reports written by Pasaribu on the alleged involvement of TNI soldiers in gambling.

"Yes, of course (it will be thoroughly investigated) because there has been a report, and the Puspomad has also committed to following up on the report, we will wait and see", TNI Information Centre head Major General Nugraha Gumilar at the Trans Media Building in Jakarta on Monday July 15. (dhf/kid)

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was " Masyarakat Sipil Adukan Pembakaran Rumah Wartawan Sumut ke Istana".]

Source: https://www.cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20240717133148-12-1122272/masyarakat-sipil-adukan-pembakaran-rumah-wartawan-sumut-ke-istan
