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Some schools yet to implement 'merdeka' curriculum, minister says

Tempo - April 11, 2024

Hendrik Yaputra, Jakarta – The Head of the Curriculum Assessment Standards Agency of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) Anindito Aditomo, stated that the Ministry is currently urging several schools to implement the Merdeka Curriculum. The Ministry noted that there are still 20 percent of schools that have not implemented the Merdeka curriculum.

In an attempt to help these schools, Anindito explained that the Ministry will be preparing various aid tools. One of the aid tools, for example, is the independent teaching platform or PMM, which provides teaching materials ranging from books to modules and classroom assessments.

"All teachers can access this nationally standardized training material," Anindito said in his statement on Wednesday, April 10, 2024.

The Education Ministry has established the Merdeka Curriculum as the national curriculum pursuant to Ministerial Regulation No. 12 of 2024 concerning the Curriculum for Early Childhood Education, Basic Education Levels, and Secondary Education Levels. The Education Ministry gives schools two to three years to implement the independent curriculum.To achieve this target, Anindito said that the ministry is conducting training programs for teachers. One of these training programs is the Teacher Movement Program is one of them. Through this program, the Ministry has trained tens of thousands of teachers as prospective school principals and school supervisors.

There are also training sessions for school principals through the School Movement Program and Vocational High School Centers of Excellence. Additionally, there will be more specific training for new aspects of the Merdeka Curriculum, including for computer science teachers, English language teachers, physical education teachers, sports, and health; as well as early childhood education teachers and inclusive education teachers.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1855696/some-schools-yet-to-implement-merdeka-curriculum-minister-say
