Riani Sanusi Putri, Jakarta – Finance Minister Sri Mulyani met Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin at the Attorney General's Office, South Jakarta on Monday, March 18, 2024. Sri Mulyani submitted a report on alleged corruption at the Indonesian Export Financing Institution (Indonesia Eximbank) worth Rp2.5 trillion.
"Today we submit four debtors who have indications of committing fraud worth Rp2.5 trillion," Sri Mulyani said at the Attorney General's Office, South Jakarta today.
The report submitted by Sri Mulyani was the result of research conducted by an integrated team consisting of the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP), the Deputy Attorney General for Civil and State Administration, and the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Finance. The integrated team found non-performing loans that pointed to alleged criminal acts by four debtors.
The Attorney General's Office revealed the names of four debtors investigated during this phase, namely PT RII amounting to Rp1.8 trillion, PT SMR amounting to Rp218 billion, PT SMI amounting to Rp144 billion, and PT BRS amounting to Rp305 billion.
Sri Mulyani said this step was an effort to synergize the Ministry of Finance with the Attorney General's Office to clean up LPEI as a state financial institution. Moreover, exports are one of the important economic activities to empower MSMEs to penetrate the world market.
The former World Bank Managing Director emphasized that LPEI or Indonesia Eximbank is a financial institution established by Law Number 2 of 2009 which is responsible for encouraging economic growth through exports.
Therefore, Sri Mulyani emphasized that LPEI must increase its role in channeling financing in the export sector without conflict of interest. Sri Mulyani also reminded LPEI's new board of directors and all management to build good corporate governance.
"It is also LPEI's mandate to channel financing in the export sector and conduct loan insurance with good governance, professionalism, and integrity," said the minister.
Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin said this report was still in its first phase. The second phase will concern six other companies that are indicated of committing corruption worth Rp3 trillion. These companies are currently under investigation. Therefore, Burhanuddin implored the debtors to comply with the investigation and BPKP's recommendations.