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Sri Mulyani says 2024 election budget hits Rp71.3 trillion

Tempo - February 23, 2024

Rizki Dewi Ayu, Jakarta – Indonesian Finance Minister Sri Mulyani announced that the total amount of funds disbursed by the government for the 2024 general elections had reached Rp71.3 trillion.

Speaking at a press conference on the state budget on February 22, she elaborated that this amount was the election budget disbursed from 2022 to early 2024.

In detail, the budget realization in 2022 amounted to Rp3.1 trillion. In 2023, the figure rose to Rp29.9 trillion.

For 2024, the government prepared a budget of Rp38.3 trillion for holding the five-yearly democratic party. However, Sri said the budget realization as of February 12 had reached only 43.2 percent of the prepared ceiling.

"The realization of the election budget for the legislative and presidential elections up to February 12 was at Rp16.5 trillion," Sri said.

The state treasurer also detailed that the budget was primarily allocated to the General Elections Commission (KPU) and the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu), totaling 16.2 trillion.

Apart from the KPU and Bawaslu, 14 other ministries and institutions spent Rp 300 billion on various election activities.

"From security, such as the police, to handling ethics violations, disseminating information, establishing election posts, formulating policies, managing content, supervising voting, and counting votes," the minister mentioned.

Therefore, Sri Mulyani concluded that the government still has a remaining budget of around Rp21.8 trillion for the 2024 general elections.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1837033/sri-mulyani-says-2024-election-budget-hits-rp71-3-trillio
