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100 figures reject election result citing structured, systematic and massive fraud

Akurat.co - February 21, 2024

M Rahman, Jakarta – As many as 100 social figures have declared that they reject the results of the 2024 presidential election (Pilpres). The inter-faith and cross-organisation figures stated that they reject the elections because they believe there was structured, systematic and massive (TSM) fraud.

"We with full awareness and conviction reject the results of the Pilpres vote result and the ongoing vote count and its outcome", they said in a statement read out by Din Syamsuddin in Jakarta on Wednesday February 21.

The former general chairperson of the Islamic mass organisation Muhammadiyah's central leadership (PP) also said that they consider the ongoing organisation of the 2024 presidential elections to have deviated if viewed from prevailing legal stipulations and laws.

"As well as (deviating) from political ethics based on religion and national culture, particularly the principles of honesty and fairness", added Syamsuddin.

Syamsuddin said that alleged election fraud had occurred from the candidate screening stage through to the results of the quick count, as well as the real count by General Elections Commission (KPU).

"The 2024 Pilpres suffered structured, systematic and massive fraud. This is marked by problematic Permanent Voter Lists (DPT) involving around 54 million voters, as already submitted by certain parties to the KPU, which has not resolved properly", he said.

The national figures are also of the view that various forms of intimidation, coercion and even threats against communities occurred during the 2024 elections.

They also touched on the mobilisation of government officials to support presidential and vice presidential candidate pair number 2, Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto and President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's son Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

In addition to this, the figures also highlighted President Widodo's partiality and his distribution of social aid (bansos) in the lead up to voting day.

The following are the 100 futures that are rejecting the results of the 2024 presidential election:

1. Jusuf Kalla (former Indonesian vice president)
2. M. Din Syamsuddin (former Muhammadiyah Central Board Chairperson)
3. Prof. Dr. Rochmat Wahab (former Yogyakarta State University (UNY) rector, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) figure)
4. Retired General Fachrur Razi (former ABRI deputy commander)
5. Retired General Tyasno Sudarto (former Army chief-of-staff)
6. Prof. Dr. Didin S Damanhuri (former Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB) professor)
7. Drs. Anthony Budiawan (Managing Director of Political Economy and Policy Studies/PEPS)
8. Chusnul Mariyah, PhD (University of Indonesia (UI) lecturer)
9. Dr. Sabriati Aziz (Muslimat Hidayatullah/BMIWI)
10. Sayuti Asyathri (former House of Representatives (DPR) member)
11. Prof. Dr. Ryaas Rasyid (former minister)
12. Prof. Dr. Nazaruddin Sjamsuddin (UI professor)
13. Mirah Sumirat, SE (labour activist)
14. KH. DR. Muhyidin Junaidi (Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) Advisory Board chairperson)
15. Ahmad Sukatmaja, SE, MM (Assyafiiyah Islamic University lecturer)
16. Dr. MS. Ka'ban (former forestry minister)
17. Gus Aam (NU Khittah Committee NU 1926)
18. Drs. Hatta Taliwang, MA (activist)
19. KH. Dr. Ahmad Munif (NU, Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) figure)
20. Hb. Muhsin Ahmad Alattas (Indonesian National Council (MBI) secretary general)
21. Mufidah Said Bawazir, SE, MM (Al-Irsyad Women's Supervisory Board chairperson)
22. Prof. Dr. Nurhayati Djamas, MA, MSi (Association for the Advancement of Islamic Education (GUPPI) Central Leadership Board (DPP))
23. KH. Ahmad Juanda, MH (Darussalam Islamic boarding school caretaker, Subang)
24. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Said Didu, Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) (Founder Manusia Merdeka)
25. Prof Amir Santoso (UI Faculty of Social and Political Science (FISIP))
26. DR Yuhelson (Jayabaya University post-graduate director)
27. Moh. Jumhur Hidayat (Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) DPP chairperson)
28. Dr. Tifauzia Tyassuma, MSc (AHLINA Institute president, health philosopher)
29. Ahmadie Thaha (Islamic Community Association (PUI) advisory board)
30. Sutoyo Abadi (Red-and-White Political Studies coordinator)
31. Dono Raharjo (Solo reform activist)
32. HM. Syukri Fadholi, SH (Yogyakarta Islamic Community Forum (FUI) and Save Indonesia Action Coalition (KAMI) presidium chairperson)
33. Ir. Syafril Sjofyan, Bk. Teks, MM (West Java KAMI presidium coordinator, Indonesian Military (TNI) Retired Officers and Fighters Alliance (APP TNI) secretary general)
34. Dra. Marfuah Musthofa, MPd (Islamic Women central leadership chairperson)
35. Dr. M. Emnis Anwar, Lc, MA (former Al-Ittihadiyah DPP deputy chairperson)
36. Hendra Suhada, SH, MH (Pelita Party consultative assembly (MPP))
37. Dr. Abdullah Hehamahua, SH, MM (Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) advisor 2005-2013)
38. Menuk Wulandari Ayunintyas (ARM women's activist)
39. Dra. Asdirwati Ali, M.MP (Perti Women's Association)
40. Donny Handri Cahyono (Land Forum chairperson, East Java activist)
41. HM Rizal Fadillah, SH (Muhammadiyah activist and advocate)
42. Retired Major General Soenarko (retired Army Special Forces (Kopassus) general commander (Danjen))
43. KH. Abdulloh Munif Ma'ruf (Anwarul Maliki PP, Pasuruan)
44. KH. Abdul Malik Said Haq (An-Nahdhiyah PP, Sidoarjo)
45. Habib Muhammad Taufiq Al Djufri (Anwarul-Maliki PP caretaker, Sidoarjo)
46. Prof. DR. Hb. Zainal Abidin Bilfaqih (Darul Lughoh wad Dakwah PP)
47. KH. Satuhan Abdullah (Mutiara PP, Sidoarjo)
48. KH. Ali Karror Shonhaji, (Darut Tauhid PP, Pamekasan)
49. KH. Fadholi M Ruham (Sampang)
50. KHR. Zainuddin Husni (Tarbiyatul Qulub PP, Surabaya)
51. KH. Makshum Turmudzi, (Darul Hikmah PP, Bondowoso)
52. Prof. Lukman Hakim, PhD (Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) chairperson 2010-2014, UI professor)
53. Ir. Tito Roesbandi (Indonesian Concern Committee chairperson, TNI APP advisory board chairperson)
54. Prof. Dr. Husnan Bey Fananie, MA (former Indoneisan ambassador to Azerbaijan)
55. Juju Purwantoro, SH, MH (UI Watch)
56. KH. Abdus Salam Shohib (Mambaul Maarif PP caretaker, Denanyar, Jombang)
57. Prof. Dr. H. Ahmad Zahro, MA, al-Hafizh (All Indonesia Mosque Heads Association Ittihad Advisory Board chairperson)
58. Ari Chandra Kurniawan, SE, MPd (Pelita Party chairperson)
59. Prof. Dr. TB Massa Ja'far (UI post graduate lecturer)
60. Teuku Nasrullah, SH, MU (advocate, former UI lecturer)
61. TB Taufik Bahauddin (UI Greater Community)
62. Ning Eva Djazuli Munif (DNE PP caretaker, Plosi, Kediri
63. Ahmad Nur Hidayat, MPP (Jakarta Veteran National Development University (UPN) public policy expert)
64. Remy Hastian S.Ag (youth activist, Jakarta State University (UNJ) Student Executive Council (BEM) chairperson 2020)
65. Imaduddin Abdurrahman (IPB BEM chairperson 2003)
66. Dr. Abraham Samad, SH, MH (former KPK chairperson)
67. Prof. Dr. Sri Edi Swasono (UI professor, Jakarta Islamic State University (UIN) special professor)
68. Pdt. Victor Rembeth (humanitarian activists, clergy member)
69. Dr. Drg. Paulus Yanuar, MS (former Indonesian Association of Catholic Students (PMKRI) PP charperson)
70. Emanuel Migo (former PMKRI PP secretary general, 98' activist)
71. Prof. Dr. Hj. Hesti Armiwulan S, SH, MHum (Surabaya University professor)
72. Radhar Tribaskoro (researcher and democracy activist)
73. Dra Srinovakandi Msi.(Human Hope Movement)
74. Selphyana (Cilosari 17 activist)
75. Nunung Hasanah (Women for State Development)
76. Dra. Hj. Nurliati Ahmad MA (Al Wasliyah Muslim PPN chirperson)
77. Rita Soebagio M.Psi (Indonesian Family love Alliance (AILA) chairperson)
78. Rita Juniarty M.Si (Islamic Community Association (PUI) Women's deputy chairperson)
79. Dra. Lies N Effendi M.H (Islamic Students Association (HMI) Alumni Forum (FORHATI))
80. Hidayatullah, SH. MAg (Dr. Law, Advocate)
81. Budi Riyanto (Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) Upholders of Pancasila and Anti-Communism (KAPPAK) Presidium)
82. Habib Mohamad Al Jufri, SE (Al Khairaat Jakarta chairperson)
83. Retired Rear Admiral Sony Santoso (PIS Guidance Volunteers)
84. Ummi Atmowijoyo (Women's chairperson MU Reform)
85. Dr. KH. Zulkifli Muhadli, SH, MM (Cordova University rector, Taliwang, NTB)
86. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Chirzin (UIN Sunan Kalijaga professor)
87. Prof. Dr. Siswanto Masruri (Ramadania Yogyakarta)
88. Prof. Dr. Sofian Effendi (former University of Gajah Mada (UGM) rector)
89. Prof. Dr. Syamsul Hadi (UGM professor)
90. Asep P. Bahtiar, MSi (Muhammadiyah University (UM) Yogyakarta)
91. Dr. H. Khamim Zarkasih Putro, M. Si (Yogyakarta Islamic Students Association Alumni Corps (KAHMI) advisor)
92. Diana Leli Indratno, S.E., M.M. (Association of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals (ICMI) Sleman)
93. Dwi Kuswantoro, SE, M.EK. (Yogya Obah Movement)
94. Drs. Wahyudi (social activist and journalist)
95. Dr. Adzfar Amar (Yogyakarta FUI chairperson)
96. Prof. Dr. Heru Kurnianto Tjahjono (Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University (UMY) Academic Senate chairperson)
97. Prof. Dr. Jandra (UIN Sunan Kalijaga professor)
98. Dr. Majang Palupi, MBA (Indonesian Islamic University (UII) Business and Economics Faculty Associate Professor)
99. Retired TNI Major General Deddy S Budiman (APPTNI chairperson)
100. Dr. KRMT Roy Suryo, M.Kes (Independent telematics, multimedia, AI & OCB observer, former Sports and Youth Minister and DPR member)

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "100 Tokoh Menolak Hasil Pilpres 2024 Karena Curang Terstruktur, Sistematis, dan Masif, Berikut Nama-namanya".]

Source: https://jakarta.akurat.co/poljak/1314207651/100-tokoh-menolak-hasil-pilpres-2024-karena-curang-terstruktur-sistematis-dan-masif-berikut-nama-namany
