Riani Sanusi Putri, Jakarta – The Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU) launched an impromptu inspection of the National Consumer Protection Agency (BPKN) at the Cihapit Traditional Market and Griya Pahlawan Traditional Market in Bandung. The inspection aimed at monitoring the price and supply of basic goods and ensuring their stability ahead of the holy month of Ramadan.
During the inspection, the agency found price fluctuations in several food commodities. The highest price surge occurred in red chilies. KPPU Chairman M. Fanshurullah Asa said the highest retail price (HET) for red chilies is Rp55,000 per kilogram, but the market price reached Rp150,000 per kilogram.
"This is an increase of 172.73 percent, far higher than what the government has set," he said in a written statement on Feb. 11.
KPPU also noted that the average price of premium rice increased by 21.58 percent to Rp16,900 per kilogram, while the HET is Rp13,900 per kilogram. Meanwhile, the price of medium-quality rice rose 28.44 percent to Rp14,000 per kilogram from the HET of Rp10,900 per kilogram.
The prices of sugar, chicken meat, chicken eggs, and chilies also skyrocketed during the same period. "The price of red chilies has increased the most ahead of Ramadan," Asa said.
Since the end of last year, several food commodities have continued to experience price increases above the HET set by the government. According to the National Strategic Food Prices Information Center (PIHPS), the price hike has occurred from December 2023 to February 2024, including in West Java.
Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1832433/kppu-finds-chili-prices-skyrocket-172-percent-ahead-of-ramada