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Air pollution: Jakarta obliges industry to install scrubbers, CEMS

Tempo - August 26, 2023

Mutia Yuantisya, Jakarta – The Jakarta Environment Agency is determined to force all industries in the capital to install scrubbers and a continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) in an effort to curb air pollution.

"We want to force the installation of scrubbers and CEMS as required by the regulations," Head of Jakarta Environment Agency Head Asep Kuswanto told Tempo in an exclusive interview at his office in Cililitan, East Jakarta, on Thursday, August 24, 2023.

According to him, the mandatory use of CEMS has so far only been applied to power plants and the steel processing industry thus far. However, Jakarta would also make it mandatory for industries that have chimneys.

"We are looking at it again. Basically, [if an industry] has a chimney, it must install CEMS so that we can also monitor it 24 hours a day," Asep emphasized.

The CEMS installation aims to monitor several emission parameters that are key to evaluating the performance of combustion efficiency and bag house filters as part of air pollution control.

Meanwhile, scrubbers are a system of air pollution control devices that can be used to remove some particulates and or gases from industrial exhaust streams.

For the implementation of the regulations, Asep said the Environment Agency would work closely with the Agency of Industry, Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises (PPKUKM).

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1764175/air-pollution-jakarta-obliges-industry-to-install-scrubbers-cem
