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Jakarta poverty: Poor population drops by 17,000 in first half 2023, BPS says

Tempo - July 20, 2023

Mutia Yuantisya, Jakarta – Statistics Indonesia (BPS) of Jakarta Office recorded that the city's poverty rate in March 2023 stood at 4.44 percent, down 0.09 percent compared to March 2020 at 4.53 percent. When compared to September 2022, or the end of Governor Anies Baswedan's term which was on October 16, the poverty rate dropped by 0.17 percent.

"This is a good precedent in the midst of diverse poverty alleviation efforts being executed by the provincial government," Acting Head of Jakarta BPS, Dwi Paramita Dewi, said in a written statement on July 18, 2023.

In March 2023, 477,830 people live below the poverty line. The figure declined by 17,100 people compared to September 2022. Compared to March 2020 which was the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the figure dropped by 3,030 people.

According to Dwi, the positive trend is the result of improving several macroeconomic indicators. In the September 2022-March 2023 period, Jakarta's economy grew by 3.43 percent and unemployment decreased by 13,000 people.

"Likewise, the inflation rate during this period is still under control, only in the range of 1.19 percent," she added.

On the other hand, the central and regional governments disbursed social assistance which consistently maintained the consumption level of the poor in the capital. The National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas) data for March 2023 noted that 80.15 percent of the poor in Jakarta have already had access to social protection and insurance.

"This greatly lightens the burden of consumption spending, especially for the poor," Dwi said.

It is also attributable to the government's efforts to eradicate poverty by rising income, especially of poor community groups.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1750104/jakarta-poverty-poor-population-drops-by-17000-in-first-half-2023-bps-say
