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Used shoe trader thinks he helps improve people's appearance

Jakarta Globe - March 12, 2023

Cindy Layan, Jakarta – A Senen Market trader who sells used shoes said on Sunday he is proud of helping people from all levels of income upgrade their look with famous brands at affordable prices.

The trader, who introduced himself as Brother Ger, said on Sunday his customers are young individuals from both higher-income and lower-income families who seek products of famous brands on a tight budget.

"The children of state officials, construction workers, cleaning service workers – they all buy from us. We want these original shoes to be worn by everybody," he told Jakarta Globe's sister publication Beritasatu at his shop in Jakarta.

Having run the business since the 1990s, Brother Ger claimed that he sells original products only, starting at around Rp 800,000 ($52) per pair.

"It's a common thing to see the children of high-ranking state officials wear original shoes. But when the children of farmers or cleaning service workers can afford shoes of famous brands, it really makes us proud," he said.

The trader added that used sneakers enjoy high demand and that he needs to resupply twice every month.

He said he is aware of the government regulation that bans the import of used apparel and footwear, which he described as groundless.

Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita said recently the government is tightening customs procedures following a Reuters investigation that found footwear donated to a recycling scheme in Singapore was shipped to Indonesia.

Source: https://jakartaglobe.id/lifestyle/used-shoe-trader-thinks-he-helps-improve-peoples-appearanc
