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Discourse on anti-LGBT bylaw in Bandung a step backwards for human rights say activists

Detik Jabar - January 26, 2023

Sudirman Wamad, Bandung – The sudden emergence of a discourse on drafting an anti-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) regional regulation (Perda) in the West Java (Jabar) provincial capital of Bandung has attracted support and opposition.

Activists believe that the discourse is an alarm signalling a step backwards for human rights in Bandung.

West Java Indonesian Legal Aid and Human Rights Association (PBHI) representative Deti Sopandi says that in humanitarian terms it is very wrong. The PBHI believes that the bylaw could be an indicator of a step back in the development of human rights.

"This anti-LGBT Perda is a setback for the rule of human rights. In humanitarian terms of course this Perda is wrong", Sopandi told Detik Jabar on Thursday January 26.

"There's a circulation of different understandings related to universal human rights in the world, with a local perspective of human rights in Bandung. If they go ahead with this, the development of human rights will go backwards", Sopandi added.

A similar view was conveyed by the Inter-Religious Community Network (Jakatarub). Jakatarub believes that an anti-LGBT regional regulation could discriminate against certain groups and it therefore opposes such a regulation in Bandung.

"If this truly happens and is pursued seriously, of course, yes, Jakatarub regrets this. Because it will add further to the discriminatory Perda in Jabar", Jakatarub Coordinator Arfi told Detik Jabar.

As reported earlier, Bandung city Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) Speaker Tedy Rusmawan explained that the proposal for an anti-LGBT regional regulation from the Healthy Life Concern Alliance is still just a submission. Rusmawan said that the proposal by the group will first be deliberated by the Regional Regulation Drafting Agency (Bapemperda).

"It's only just a submission. Now, we will discuss it with the Bapemperda. The data and details haven't been received yet", Rusmawan told reporters on Wednesday January 25. (sud/mso)

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "Wacana Perda Anti-LGBT di Bandung, Aktivis Sebut Kemunduran HAM".]

Source: https://www.detik.com/jabar/berita/d-6535731/wacana-perda-anti-lgbt-di-bandung-aktivis-sebut-kemunduran-ha
