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Democrat party orders cadres to join protest against fuel price hike

Tempo - September 7, 2022

Gadis Oktaviani, Jakarta – The Democrat Party allowed its members at the House of Representatives (DPR) up to Regional Legislative Council (DPRD) to participate in the demonstrations against the increase in fuel prices.

"The Central Executive Board (DPP) of Democrat Party, especially the election campaign agency (Bappilu), have talked to members in the DPR, Provincial DPRD, and Regency/Municipal DPRD to take steps and actions," said the party's deputy for the election campaign, Kamhar Lakumani in a release received by Tempo on Wednesday, September 7, 2022.

He said the instruction had been given since the second week of last August. He elaborated that the party gave freedom to its members, including the 514 Regency/City Branch Leadership Councils, to participate in the street protest.

However, the party advised members not to be too dramatic. "Cadres do not need to cry when presenting their arguments against the fuel price hike, as what the PDIP elites had done in response to the fuel price hike during the SBY administration era," Kamhar added.

He also said all party members are encouraged to invite all parties to take peaceful action to reject the increase in fuel prices, be it from the Indonesian Military (TNI), the police, or state apparatus.

The Democrat Party, he went on, also objected to the government's reasons for raising the fuel price which was aimed at easing the burden on the State Budget. President Jokowi should instead take other ways to handle it, such as by reviewing the new capital city or IKN Nusantara development project.

"Raising fuel prices to reduce the burden on the state budget is the most instant and easiest step, but at the same time it also shows that the government is not creative and has no heart," Kamhar concluded.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1631383/democrat-party-orders-cadres-to-join-protest-against-fuel-price-hik
