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Rally against creation of new Papua provinces ends in clash with police

Tribune - March 31, 2022

Hendrik Rewapatara, Jayapura (Tribune-Papua) – A demonstration in Nabire regency against the creation of new special autonomous regions (DOB) in Papua ended in chaos on Thursday March 31.

Protesters from Papuan People and Student Solidarity (SMRP) held the action in front of the Nabire Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) offices.

Based on information gathered by Tribun-Papua.com on Thursday afternoon, there were four important points taken up by the protesters.

The four demands at the demonstration included, opposing the planned DOB and rejecting the revisions to the Special Autonomy (Otsus) Law on Papua.

Then, the protesters asked the political elite to stop acting in the name of the ordinary people in the interests of power.

The final point was the SMRP asked the Nabire DPRD to form a special committee to oppose new DOB.

The demonstration however was marked by chaos. Based on a video circulating on social media, the chaos broke out between demonstrators and security personnel at the Karang Tumaritis market in Girimulyo village.

As of posting this article, Tribun-Papua.com journalists are still seeking information on the demonstration and the reason for the chaos.

[Translated by James Balowski. The original title of the article was "Demo Penolakan DOB di Nabire Diwarnai Bentrok Demonstran dengan Aparat Keamanan".]

Source: https://www.tribunnews.com/regional/2022/03/31/demo-penolakan-dob-di-nabire-diwarnai-bentrok-demonstran-dengan-aparat-keamana
