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Public prosecutor charges Viktor Yeimo with treason

Tabloid JUBI - February 22, 2022

Theo Kelen, Jayapura, Jubi – The public prosecutor of the Jayapura High Prosecutor's Office charged Viktor Yeimo with treason at a hearing on Monday, February 21, 2022 at the Jayapura District Court.

Viktor Yeimo was charged with being involved in the 2019 anti-racism protest, which allegedly led to riots and arson of a number of public facilities and houses in Jayapura City, Papua.

The trial of Viktor Yeimo's case was led by a panel of judges chaired by Eddy Soeprayitno S Putra with member judges Mathius and Andi Asmuruf.

Public Prosecutors Achmad Kobarubun, Janwar, and Piter Dawir from the Jayapura High Court read out the charges against Yeimo, saying Yeimo had violated four articles, namely Article 106 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code, Article 110 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code, Article 110 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code, and Article 160 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.

The defendant Victor Yeimo, who was present at the trial, denied all these accusations. He said he was not involved in planning the anti-racism protest in 2019.

Viktor Yeimo said he took to the street because he was devastated by the case of racism toward the Papuan people. As a Papuan, he said, he had the right to defend his people because racism is a common enemy.

"I have the right to defend my people. My people are humans, not animals," he said in the Jayapura District Court courtroom.

Viktor Yeimo said the anti-racism protest at the Papua Governor's Office in 2019 was peaceful and safe, all done in a dignified manner. "We went home peacefully and safely from the Papua Governor's Office," he said.

Viktor Yeimo's attorney Gustav Kawer said all the accusations against Viktor Yeimo were vague. According to Kawer, the public prosecutor was too pushy and included accusations that had nothing to do with Viktor Yeimo.

His party, said Kawer, would prepare an exception or defense for the next trial. The next trial will be held on Thursday, February 25.

After hearing the reading of the indictment of the public prosecutor and the defense of Viktor Yeimo and his attorney, the panel of judges chaired by Eddy Soeprayitno S Putra said the trial would continue on February 25 with the agenda of hearing exceptions.

Source: https://en.jubi.co.id/public-prosecutor-charges-viktor-yeimo-with-treason
