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Government introduces new law for foreign researchers in Indonesia

Tempo - October 27, 2020

Antara, Jakarta – The Research and Technology Ministry has disseminated Law No. 11/2019 on national science and technology system, which also includes regulations set in place for foreign research and researchers conducted in Indonesia.

The ministry's acting-head of research strengthening and development, Muhammad Dimyati, said that the birth of Law No.11/2019 has become a momentum for Indonesian researchers to establish and protect itself in conducting researches with international parties.

"We surely want our natural wealth to be processed and benefited by Indonesians," said Dimyati in a virtual event regarding the law's dissemination on Monday, October 26.

The ministry noted that local researchers intending to partner with international researchers must take close attention to this new regulation and oversee criminal and administrative punishments for foreign researchers who conduct illegal projects in Indonesia with Rp4 billion set as the highest fine.

The law will also be able to ban foreign parties for up to 5 years if found to have violated the law and that they must obtain official permit from Indonesia's central government before the research program is commenced.

Foreign researchers are also required to hand over the primary data of their research in Indonesia and proportionally share the profit from the research accordingly to the deal they have made with. Research samples that will be taken out of Indonesia must be completely documented before they are permitted to be taken overseas.

Source: https://en.tempo.co/read/1399804/govt-introduces-new-law-for-foreign-researchers-in-indonesi
