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CNRT joins political opposition and focusses on 2023 election

Tempo Timor - May 24, 2020

Dili – The president of the CNRT (Congresu Nasional Rekonstrusaun Timor, National Congress for Timorese Reconstruction), Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, said that his party will join the political opposition to the eighth government and awaits to compete again in the elections that will take place in 2023.

"Yes, currently the CNRT is ready to be the opposition and awaits to compete again in 2023, because the decision is in the hands of the people," Xanana said during a press conference at the CNRT office at Bairo dos Grillos, on Saturday (23/05).

Xanana said he would prepare a plan for a party conference and appealed to the CNRT militants to stay calm and wait for the 2023 elections. "Become the opposition, thus I asked the CNRT militants to be unruffled. When the COVID-19 and the state of emergency have passed, we will conduct a conference to tell each other to be unruffled, because the last decision is in the hands of the people," he continued.

Xanana said that the CNRT focusses on its own responsibilities and tasks. "CNRT only looks after itself and its responsibility to the nation, none other than that," he ended.

Source: https://www.tempotimor.com/en/2575-cnrt-joins-political-opposition-and-focusses-on-2023-election
