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Jayapura police interrogate students regarding morning star 'noken'

Tabloid JUBI - September 3, 2018

Hengky Yeimo, Jayapura – Jayapura Municipal Police Chief the Adjunct Senior Police Commissionaire Gustav R. Urbinas said, four students of STIKOM (Communication College), Muhammadiyah Jayapura are still be interrogated about the morning star 'noken' (Papuan traditional bag) in their campus.

The students are Arnold Bame (BEM STIKOM Chairman), Fransiakus Bame (PKKMB Committee Chairman), Kamaliel Pahabol (BEM Deputy Chairman), Yutinus Murib (member of PKKMB Committee).

"They were temporarily asked to clarify the activity occurred in STIKOM Campus this afternoon," the chief said on Tuesday (08/28/2018) in Jayapura. After the interrogation, said the chief, the four students would send home. "And the police will continue investigating this case."

Meanwhile, a STIKOM alumnus Markus Imbiri said this investigation was ironic because the world has acknowledged noken as an indigenous inheritance, which gained ratification from UNESCO in Paris in 2004, and the Governor of Papua even encourage all Papuan citizens to wear noken.

"Nowadays, students are advised to use noken since the first day of school orientation to respect it. Because some students were difficult to find other motives, they bought the morning star motive. Could it be said as separatism? If we use it, would Papua separate from the Republic of Indonesia?"

Imbiri further said the similar incident occurred at the Faculty of Social Science of the University of Cenderawasih should be given enough lessons to students and people in Papua. (*)

Source: http://tabloidjubi.com/eng/jayapura-police-interrogate-students-regarding-morning-star-noken/
