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School principal of Secondary School 4 September Bans students from wearing short uniforms

Dili Weekly - November 27, 2017

Lolita Pacheco, Est – The School Principal Alberto da Costa Braz from Secondary School 4 September Balide, has placed a ban on his students, especially for girls not to wear short uniforms and to follow school regulations.

As he said, the school expects a person to follow discipline in school, as this will prepare them for a good future.

"Our regulation is to regulate the students to not wear mini uniforms, do not use lipstick, and have red hair," said Director Braz in his office, Dili.

He said when the teachers find the students who wear mini uniforms then the school will give sanction to those students. For the boys, the school has banned wearing earrings in ears and nose.

"School regulation bans for students is to not put earrings in ears and nose or to wear miniskirts and if they do then will receive a sanction," he said.

Therefore, he asked the youth, especially the students to not adopt foreign cultures, to learn and maintain the culture and customs, as Timorese people.

Cristal Aurelia de Jesus a student asked the Ministry of Education to create and include in schools a law and regulation for banning students, especially for the girls not to wear miniskirts. "They must continue to wear uniforms like in the past, that are long," she urged.

In response to this issue, the General Director Ministry of Education (DJ-ME), Antoninho Pires said the decree law for the Ministry covers discipline and behavior for both students and teachers.

"The students do not wear shabby dresses or dress for party, it is not right, they should wear the clothes appropriate for students," he said. "In order to not create social jealousy or social imbalance."

The Director also asked the teachers to approach the students and explain the importance of obeying the school's regulations.

Source: http://www.thediliweekly.com/en/news/education/14929-school-principal-of-secondary-school-4-september-bans-students-from-wearing-short-uniforms
