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LGBT community in Papua keep growing every year

Tabloid JUBI - September 2, 2016

Jayapura, Jubi – Chairman of the Indonesian Planned Parenthood Association Jayapura Municipality, Agus Fauzi, said the number of LGBT in Papua is continuously growing each year.

"I will not say the total, as well as the venue where they often hang out together, but the number is growing from year to year as the result of the same sex interaction," he said at his office in Jayapura on Thursday (1/9/2016).

LGBT, said Agus, apparently started from the interaction between the young people of the productive age. Further, LGBT in Papua already formed a community to accommodate them.

According to him, IPPA already provide socialization to the LGBT community and hope they do not adversely affect the others or transfer their LGBT character to others.

"We must do an extra work to disseminate the information to the public that started from 12 years old, the first age of puberty, children must get the education on reproduction health to avoid them to become the LGBT," said Agus who's also the Department Head of Special Area of BKKBN (Family Planning Agency) Papua.

In addition to the same sex relationship, according to Agus, the life style is also affecting the LGBT growth. He took an example, if someone had friendship with a perfume seller, he would smell fragrant. If he got a blacksmith friend, he would smell of charcoal.

He said the only way to overcome the LGBT is to provide enforcement and education to the children from an early age and when they grow to be teenagers.

"Because of hormonal factor and often hang out with the LGBT, they must become one of them as well. This could be healed; the important is the family's support. But if you still relate with those persons, you won't be healed," he said.

One of LGBT in Abepura who refuse to be named said he was attracted to the men since he was 14 years old. "I don't know why, but that's what I feel. Since in the elementary and junior high school, I always get along with the girls. Perhaps this is the reason why I become like this, but I hope I could be just normal like the others," he said. (*/rom)

Source: http://tabloidjubi.com/eng/lgbt-community-papua-keep-growing-every-year/
